Thursday, March 12, 2009

Day 9 of therapy. Wow already day 9, where has the time gone. We are almost done with our second week here. Austin had a good day today. This morning he had an obstacle he had to go through, and all I can say is what a fun thing to watch. Austins goal was to step into each box, one foot at a time of course. They were lined up 2 side by side in a row of three. From what I understand it is an autonomatic response that every child has by the age of I think 9 months. Austin did it, stepped in all six boxes in sequence on his OWN! It was so exciting to watch his little legs and feet do all that walking on their own. I wanted to see it over and over again. That was the highlight of my day. There were alot of balance exercises today that he did, but none as exciting as the boxes. I hope to show it on his blog when I figure out how to download it.
We ventured to the grocery store again today. Not sure what it is, but when we go in there, security follows me around for the first 5 minutes, then at check out there is always, always, always one standing at the end of the check out. Not sure if I should look at it as extra security for us or big insecurity on there part. Now that Austin can do more maybe he looks big, bad and dangerous.
Looking forward to what the last day of week two brings for Austin.


aunt pam said...

how fantastic. here we go austin, here we go. Way to go. Hugs around to you both.

Anonymous said...

hehe love it!! nice security observation! anyone who makes that much progress in 9 days is dangerous in my book!!

also guess who made the paper!!? Austin has a big ol picture in my school newspaper as well as his story and quotes from you and I!! :) still wasn't necessary!! will have to drop it off with Bill!

AnnMarie said...

it is fun to read the blog every day and see Austin's great progress! awesome!

The Cigan's said...

We are so amazed at the progress that Austin has made! Truly amazing! Keep up the good work Austin!