Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Day 8. Well had to wake Austin up yet again for that early therapy apppointment. Didn't make for a good start. Ramone doesn't understand why Austin's brain has received the messages, but in week two is still not wanting to use them to walk. All his exercises are good/great, however when it comes to putting them all together to do the walking more independently it's just not clicking. He said he is not worried, just puzzled, and will make him think harder how to correct it. Again....Austin is a mystery. Words we are all to familiar with. Starting next week we will have a 10:15 start time, so maybe that will make a difference with a better/longer nights sleep. Ramone agrees and says it's worth a try. Good afternoon. Austin was in great spirits, still very mad with exercises but good mood. Worked hard and actually did an exercise that he moved his legs in a walking motion on his own. It was great to see.


Giancola's said...

It's all going to work out!! Austin likes his beauty sleep!! Just like Mommy!! Happy to hear the afternoon session was better!

aunt pam said...

Well, Austin is just his uncle larry, he does not like his sleep disrupted. Keep moving little guy and erika keep the faith. Love ya

Betsy McK said...

Erika, so great to read of Austin's improvements! How encouraging! Go Austin Go!!! I'm so proud of him :o).