Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Day #2, Austin had another successful day. WOW! As difficult as it is to leave our lives back home and come all the way out to Chile, it has always been worth it. As I said coming out here to Bill, "I'm not sure if I can do this again", therapy starts and I see the amazing things that Austin does, and I say to myself "I know I can do it again, no matter what it takes." Austin started off with the morning session walking with very little assistance (a small wrap around his chest area) for 18 steps. 18 STEPS!!!!!!! Wohoo Austin!!! After doing other exercises as a "get to know where Austin is session" he was able to balance after many different aerial movements. Austin's brain has logged those previous messages and is moving on!!!! This afternoon, Austin was able to do many different balancing exercises with either a bilateral ankle hold, or one or the other or none. If you don't remember from last time, an ankle hold is Ramon's goal with each child, that to him means good things. Austin biggest success today was being able to balance on boards slanted all the way from one board high to five, all with the ankle hold or none at all, for up to about 2 minutes. Not an easy feat if you think of it, or even try it on your own. Perfect balance. Here's to another great day in Chile, and god willing great sessions tomorrow. Thanks for following Austin. Big Hugs!!!

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