Monday, March 2, 2009

Austin had his second session with Ramone this evening, and all I can say is WOW. Austin didn't cry, but did fuss and whine some, but did very well. He was even woken up from his nap that he took on the way to the office, and he still cooperated. Seems like Ramone does exercises in sets of three. By the third set Austin has mastered it. He is doing it with his vestibular system and making Austin's brain do the work. Austin has a really smart brain, wish he could have been made to use his brain like this a long time ago. Austin was able to stand on his own for over one minute tonight. That is much better than the 18 seconds we have had at home. All I can do is smile so big when I see Austin working. It is amazing the potential he has and the talent Ramone has to bring it out. On another note....who would have ever thought that I would have a hard time finding something to eat? Not me. However the language barrier is really taking it's toll. I might actually lose that weight I've been talking about for so long. We are doing well. After seeing how well Austin does I anticipate the next session. We'll keep you posted.


Lisa said...

We are so proud of you Austin! Glad to hear things are going so well and I pray it continues that way. Your Sunday School class made you somthing yesterday... it's in the mail.
Bob & Lisa Engstrom

Valerie said...

I'm so happy for you and Austin!!!!