Monday, March 14, 2011

Day 1
Therapy in Santiago

Well the morning was a little off. We got up early. Got ourselves ready for therapy, then woke Austin up and started to get him ready when the phone rang. We thought it might be Claudia (Ramon's daughter) reminding us of our therapy time or maybe even changing it. Well, it was Claudia, but she was asking us where we were, we were supposed to be there fifteen minutes ago. Oh crap, our clocks were one hour behind, thanks to technology and the lack of keeping up with the time change. Needless to say, we got our jog in for the day. First therapy session was a reaquainting session with Ramon and Austin. It was okay, but definately room to improve. Our second session of the day was a little more productive, but proved that Austin definately has a mind of his own and he can make decisions. He made plenty of decisions tonight to purposely to sit and relax, hoping the exercise would be done and he could go home. Not with Ramon. Perseverance is the key to his teaching and that is what he did. Austin tolerated very well. In his own words and sounds definately let us know how he felt about it. But no crying. Yeah, Austin. We are off to a good start.

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